jeudi 1 décembre 2016

The day which i was the most afraid to lost my girl

I am looking for my girls. I am always asking who have catch my girls. why did they do that ? They are just 5 years old they are not terrorists ! No letter who ask me to give some money. Why did they do that ? Their only fault could be to asking to much questions for Alkam and to play the princess to much for Emmy ! So I drew something for Alkam and I let the drawing travel on space, maybe Alkam would find it

I wanted to show her that I was terrible afraid for her so even if it is shocking I drew that :

and then she answer that 

i find that so cute she wirted "safe" "sef" 

after i asked her what does she doing
her answer worried me it wasn't her, my alkam girl is wild, she would never wirt me that so i tryed to went to the planet whère it came from
but after i get an other letter 
my girl was in danger


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