jeudi 8 décembre 2016

la traversée des mondes

Je suis une trainée,
 je hais l'école, 
j' ai 16 ans ,
 je suis enceinte. 
j' ai toujours été une petite conne impatiente et colérique. je vais vous dire ce qui s'est passé :
j' ai toujours cru aux extraterrestre il a toujours cru aux humains, il voulait coloniser l' espèce . je m' en foutais de mes semblable parce que humain ou alien il y aura toujours un enfoiré qui imposera une dictature. 
après, on s' est vus et il m'a fait avaler une pilule rouge et je me suis retrouvée enceinte, je suis la seule a savoir que je suis enceinte les tests disent que je suis pas enceinte mais je le sais moi . 
j'aimerai être une bonne mère pour mon enfant 
il est venu ce soir  il m'a dit qu' il avait fini sa station spatiale


samedi 3 décembre 2016

on the space

When I found the school, my daughter wasn’t here I saw the little girl who send me drawings. She was called Nathalie, she was six years old she said that I was her dad but the only women witch I have ever date was Sabrina: my children s' mother.
  • daddy, remember, you adopted me !
I don't remember that ! But I was ready to adopt a girl .
  • dady, you adopted me and my sister Alkam you have got 2 others children
What? Alkam wasn't my daughter but I remember when my wife gave birth to my children!
  • where is mommy ?
  • On earth honey, but I lost Alkam do you know where is she ?
  • She is in a little spaceship, she is sleeping, she is exploring the universe I can tell her to come here !
  • How did you know that
  • because she is my clone, she is made to serve me I knows everything she do ! And I can call her just with mu mind ! She leave because I called her .

Tree days later, Alkam was here . I huge her, she was all what I needed. 

  • why did you run away from me ?! Say Natalie
  • because I don't have to obey to you !
  • You are made for it my mom has spend so much money to have someone who obey me !
  • I will found the money! how much did she pay ?
  • Like 100 $
  • ok I will find the money
and then she left in her spaceship she just have 5 years old! how did she learnt to pilot a spaceship? So I follow her and when I fond her I took her on my arms . And she said
  • I must find the money to be free !
  • No! you are just a little girl you can't travel in space !
  • No daddy no !
I took her by force she was screaming. She struggle . I put her in my spaceship to my sister
  • dad ! I have to find the money
  • no you wont find any dollar! You will be her servant ! She is your sister, I want you to be safe so promise me to be a good girl with your aunt
  • no I want to be free ! I hate you dad!
She was angry, I couldn't see her like that so I told her
  • I will find the money for you !

vendredi 2 décembre 2016

on ne sait toujours pas quand c'est vu qu on est toujours dans l' espace

- on n' a qu' a voyager en dépensant l' argent m' a dit Noah tout va bien 
- je n' aime pas quand tout va bien! 
- tu es maso! 
- quand tout va bien, les adultes nous dorlotent dans des paniers pendant qu' on rêve a des montagnes de bonbons, mais ils nous emmènent ou ils veulent  
- mais pourquoi maman ferrait ça ???
- parce que un troisième clan ferrait tache et qu'on possède des infos sensibles sur elle 
- comme quoi ? 
- comme son passé !
une voix derrière moi m' a fait sursauter 
- tu es très intelligente jeune fille ! me dit la mère de Noah derrière moi 
- vous tracez nos cartes de crédit ?
- comment tu sais ça ???!!! 
- c' est évident 
- alors est ce que vous me rejoignez ? 
- non on fait bande a part ! 
elle sortit un revolver de sa poche et tira deux coups sur moi et son fils je suis tombée sur le sol et je l' entendais relever son filsqui en pleine incompréhension cria a sa mère 
- tu nous a tiré dessus !!!
- et oui mais toi je t' ai juste blessé ! tu vas guérir mon bébé 
je fermais mes yeux pour la dernière fois je n' étais pas faite pour ça 



jeudi 1 décembre 2016

The day which i was the most afraid to lost my girl

I am looking for my girls. I am always asking who have catch my girls. why did they do that ? They are just 5 years old they are not terrorists ! No letter who ask me to give some money. Why did they do that ? Their only fault could be to asking to much questions for Alkam and to play the princess to much for Emmy ! So I drew something for Alkam and I let the drawing travel on space, maybe Alkam would find it

I wanted to show her that I was terrible afraid for her so even if it is shocking I drew that :

and then she answer that 

i find that so cute she wirted "safe" "sef" 

after i asked her what does she doing
her answer worried me it wasn't her, my alkam girl is wild, she would never wirt me that so i tryed to went to the planet whère it came from
but after i get an other letter 
my girl was in danger